Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dig it up!

This week we decided to try tackling the weed jungle in back of the garage. We already lopped off some big trees that were growing up and now we're just trying to get everything else out of there. We've been burning up some of it in our campfire and just trashing the rest. We have a long way to go but here's a little clear patch of hope!

Now what should we do with it once it's all just dirt?? 

In the process of digging, so far Phil has found a couple flagstone pieces, a broken plastic toy gun, and some sort of pottery/ceramic 'thingy'. What else will we find?!??!

Awwwwweee...isn't my kitty CUTE....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Annnnd, we're off!

We have had a busy and exciting start to the school year! With students coming back for lessons our schedule is full and we are starting to get into the routine of lessons. I (Krysti here) teach Mon-Thurs. 3:30 till 8:30 or 9ish, Wednesday starts earlier at 12:30, Thursday I have morning students, and Friday is just 3:15-6:15ish. Saturday a.m. 8:30-11. How many hours is that total..I don't want to think about it. Besides that I have been trying to organize our studio "systems". Getting everybody's birthday date figured out, putting it into excel. Putting September birthday's gifts together. Getting everybody's picture and putting them on our wall. Double checking everybody's on our email list who is supposed to be. Making sure everybody reads, signs, and returns our updated studio policy. Trying to make payments as easy and clear as possible. Trying to make everybody happy, happy, happy, happy. Replying to emails, calling new student inquiries. Playing new music books. Ordering new music. Keeping track of who bought music. Sending out invoices to people who have overdue payments. Scheduling Christmas recital dates, times, and venues. Researching student's pieces. Getting prize week ready. Fielding calls from people asking about where they can find a piano bench and can you tell me about my fiddle, and will you buy my organ? Coordinating rooms with the other teachers. Attempting to finalize the master schedule. Trying not to roll my eyes when a student who has been taking lessons for nearly 2 years JUST got a keyboard a couple weeks ago but does not have it set up yet. (REALLY??!??!). LOL. However, I am now going to attempt to take this teacher's sentiment about this type of family coming to lessons.

Phil has been busy as well with "WIS". I think I have been having more fun than him actually, organizing 'everything'. He's beeen tuning, teaching, stubsta-tooting, etc. etc. etc. BuSy BeAvErS!

In other news, I don't understand how anybody couldn't love cats. They are just so adorable. They purrrrrr and make biscuits on your legs and cuddle by you to keep you company. And they eat beef jerky, pumpkin, and pineapple. Or at least Whitney does. And Everett talks to me. Or rather, cat-er-walls at me.

This is what happens when you leave a drawer open in our house and it's sunny there.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Waiting Room Renovations

Today I thought I would show you our exciting waiting room renovation project.
Here are the before pictures, which shows kind of just a conglomeration of what we had already:
- (*just tilt your head to the left.-*( notice brownish yellow foor

 For the floors, we picked out a remnant carpet that they had uptown, and picked out the bathroom flooring. Then of course the paint....
Then we had to do some demolition. Cody helped with that.

And then the place REALLY looked...intresting...

but then we started painting, the flooring went in the next day, I painted some chairs, Phil painted some cabinets, we painted the doors, and voila!

The updated waiting room:

Thanks Joel for the help with the records!!
And the bathroom update:
 And Just for fun a before and after pic together....

Ahhh....I think it's better...what do you think???