Tuesday, October 30, 2012

YEEOCH, coupon experiment, and gifts!

Today the big heavy window upstairs SMASHED my wrist on its way down as we were trying to get the AC unit out. YEEEOCH. Then Phil made me move my wrist to see if it was broken. I guess it's not because it moves when I had to move it. It is still sore and all cut up but OH WELL :)

Well last week I tried a little experiment at Meijer (Because appaently I have nothing better to do than to coupon) ((Phil was away last week remember?)) Before coupons the total was $108 (ish) and after coupons, $54. This is what I got:
2 Digiorno pizzas, 2 ice creams, 10 yogurts, 8 microwave meals,a cat toy, 2 things of cat treats, 2 scalloped potatoes, frozen lemon ice stuff, rice, 4 caisters of pillsbury rolls, 11 things of shampoo/hair stuff, 2 always, 6 air freshner things.

SO WAS IT WORTH IT????? I don't really know but I do know it was a lot of fun at the cash register watching my total go down, down, down. haha! So I will probably try it again sometime. So I made myself this awesome coupon binder:

*Disclaimer to family members* I am not in dire need financially to use coupons, just kind of did this as a personal challenge :) *

Here's what one of our awesome piano families gave me last week since they knew I was going to be home all by myself (well and the cats to keep me company):

Yes that is a giant tub of Edy's ice cream. THEY ARE AWESOME!!! And must know me pretty well :)

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